Sunday 28 April 2019

Aalosh recipe

Aalosh (shawarma) recipe:

Aalosh is an Arabian dish it is very tasty and delicious recipe. Garlic sauce used in this recipe and make it so tasty and delicious yummy recipe.

Shawarma is a very tasty fast food every body like it and enjoy it's taste. It is very easy to prepare and take very short time for preparation so when ever guest comes to home we can easily prepare it in short time.


How I prepare it now we discuss about it.


For bread:

White flour or Maida: 1 cup
Oil: 3 to 4 tsp
Baking powder: half tsp

For filling:

Chicken boneless: half kg in small pieces
Chaat masala: 3 tsp
Cumin powder: half tsp
Dried coriander powder: half tsp
Oil: 2 to 3 tsp
Turmeric powder: half tsp
Chees: 3 tsp
Lemon juice: 2 tsp
Salt: according to your taste
Cabbage: half flower

For garlic sauce:

Garlic: 3 to 4 flowers
Lemon juice: 3 tsp
Oil: half cup
Salt: half tsp


1: First of all prepare flour for bread, all above first ingredients mixed well with water and prepare flour for shawarma bread.

2: Secondly all above second ingredients add in a karahi and mixed them well until chicken well cooked and it's thread separate with the help of cooking spoon.

3: Now make a roti or bread on tawa and then first add garlic sauce on it and tomato ketchup.

Garlic sauce
Garlic sauce on bread 

4: Then add chicken masala and roll it. Take this roll on warm tawa for 2 minutes then cut into small pieces.

Chicken masala
Chicken masala on shawarma bread 

5: Aalosh or shawarma recipe is ready to eat serve with Tomato ketchup and garlic sauce.

A piece of shawarma